ODORKLENZThe OdorKlenz Air is a revolutionary, patented product that assists you and your technicians throughout the restoration process. Water and floods in a building not only damage the structural integrity of the walls and floors, they cause mold and mildew. These produce odors that are not only distasteful but sometimes harmful. Fire or clogged sewer damage can leave harmful odors within the air of a building you may be working on as well. This simple cartridge works with the portable air scrubber your business probably already owns, offering you many advantages.

It is cost effective. You don’t have to spend precious extra dollars on an additional piece of equipment. The cartridge comes in 2 different sizes – 16 inch square and 24 inch square – to fit in many different machines and use their power to dispel terrible odors.

It is safe. This cartridge removes odor molecules from the air and contains them within much like a filter holds dirt particles. There is no deodorizer or other type of chemical released into the air. This means it is safe for you and your employees to work within the area where it is and there is no pollution added to the air.

It is effective. The OdorKlenz is easy to install in your machine and begins to work immediately, removing odor and leaving air that is safer and more pleasant to breathe behind.

Offer your customers the benefit of a home that is restored completely, from the ceiling to the floor and the air within.