

The 360XL from Rotovac Corporation is a high performance tool engineered by the inventor of rotary jet extraction. It cleans far better than your traditional carpet wand by moving in multiple directions and taking over the majority of the manual labor. Paired with a portable or truck mount extractor, this power wand is a priceless addition to your company. The ease and speed with which you produce clean carpets will draw many extra customers away from your competitors and to you.

The 360XL uses four Swoop Glide vacuum shoes to prevent over spray as the 4 jets administer solution to the dirty carpet. These powerful jets and vacuums work with the rotation to agitate the carpet all the way to the base, pulling out soil and junk. In only minutes the head makes hundreds of passes, leaving the carpet truly clean and preventing it from looking dingy again only a short time later.

From handle to head, the XL is a fantastic option. Located under the hand grips is the easy pull valve that emits high pressure solution. It has a telescoping handle so it can be made taller or shorter for the convenience of the operator and can be pushed all the way in for compact storage. A clear view tube lets you and your customer see the action as dirt is extracted. The base is made of cast aluminum and encircled with a non-marking shroud to protect baseboards and furniture while you work.

Let Rotovac take the strain of carpet cleaning for you. There will be no stress to your upper body because this power tool makes side to side passes when it works. You won’t have to lift it when you move it because it has retractable back wheels for rolling to and from your van. On top of all of this, you can confidently let your potential clients know that when you clean their floors, they will receive only the best.

Please Call to Place an Order
1-800-CHEM-TEX or 713-668-1212